Becoming a bol Supplier

Do you have a unique product range and attractive purchase prices? Then become a Supplier at bol. At you reach new Customers, strengthen your brand values and generate additional sales by supplying the largest online shop.

By working together and making smart use of our platform, we make sure that all the revenue opportunities that come along are yours. We combine your product range and product knowledge with our online knowledge and our platform, which is visited by almost 2 million Customers daily. That makes for sales success!


We offer you
  • More than 8 million Customers in both the Netherlands and Belgium
  • A quality shop for your brands and products. Bol is a reliable quality brand that you will reap the benefits of. We pay continuous attention to ensure that the high level of quality of our store is maintained. With our wide range of different communication options, we can offer you the best showcase for promoting your product range to our Customers. We have tools that increase both brand awareness and conversion.
  • There are several Last Mile options: including > 4,000 physical pick-up points where your products can be collected.
  • Online knowledge > Nearly 3.000 bol employees possess an enormous amount of online knowledge and are eager to use this to improve your sales
  • Insight > On the Supplier Portal you can find all your orders and payments, your operational performance and the fill rate of your product range.
  • Various services > If you do not have the time or knowledge, then make use of the services we provide. For example, are you looking for customised product information in the form of titles, descriptions, specifications, photos and videos? Then become familiar with bol Content Service. Are you looking for extra attention for your brands in the shop? The bol retail media group offers various forms of advertising for this purpose.

How does it work?

Bol actively searches for Suppliers in the market. Do you feel that your company is a good match for bol? Then first look at zakelijk verkopen via bol. Please contact us at  if business sales do not suit your needs. We will review your offer and, if desired, forward it to the appropriate specialist within bol.