Manage your daily budgets for more effective campaigns

Below, you will find more information about the meaning of a daily budget, setting a daily budget, and how you can further optimize your campaigns based on the daily budget you've set. The goal is to achieve maximum results with sponsored products.

The meaning of a daily budget

In sponsored products, you have the option to set a daily budget for your campaign. A daily budget is the maximum amount your campaign can spend per day. This allows you to know in advance what the maximum costs for your campaign could be in a day. We recommend always setting a daily budget to maintain control over the daily expenses of your campaigns.

Setting a daily budget

When creating a new campaign, under ‘budget,’ you have the choice of setting a total budget and/or a daily budget. If you choose a daily budget, you can enter the maximum amount you want to spend on this campaign per day. Opting for a total budget ensures that when this total budget is spent, the campaign is automatically paused. Even if you choose a total budget, you can still set a daily budget.

When creating a new campaign, it’s challenging to know the potential daily costs right away. Therefore, we advise starting with a daily budget that you feel comfortable with. You can optimize the campaign based on your daily budget fairly soon after the campaign starts. Read more about this in the next section.

Optimizing based on a daily budget

In the sponsored products tool, when looking at your campaign overview, click on the ‘Costs’ tab above the graph. This displays the incurred costs per day over the selected period.

For example, if you have set a daily budget of €20, and you see that daily costs fluctuate between €10 and €15, then your daily budget is adequately set to remain visible throughout the day with your sponsored items from this campaign.

If you have set a daily budget of €20 for a campaign, and you notice that the daily costs are consistently €20 every day, your sponsored items in this campaign are not visible all day. Once that €20 is reached for the day, the campaign is automatically paused. Forty percent of all purchases on are made after 5:00 PM. It would be unfortunate if your daily budget is too low, causing you to be invisible with your sponsored items in the evening, which is when the chance of conversion is highest. Make your daily limit sufficient: For instance, if your daily budget is set at €20, and you consistently reach the limit early in the day, consider increasing it by, for example, €10. Monitor for a few days to observe the impact. If the €30 is also reached early in the day, increase your daily budget again. Continue experimenting until you find the optimal daily budget. However, always check if the ACoS allows for increasing the daily budget. If you’re satisfied with the ACoS, you naturally want to maximize the campaign. If you’re less satisfied with the ACoS, it’s wise to optimize other aspects of the campaign to lower the ACoS before increasing your daily budget.

Additionally, consider that during promotional periods and peak periods, traffic on increases, and your set daily budget may no longer be sufficient to remain visible throughout the entire day.