'If you take bol seriously and aim for growth, then you should also invest in Advertising via bol,' says Yves de Rudder, a partner at Smophy. He prefers to avoid traditional advertising. 'When your target audience is too broad, it doesn't yield results. I prefer allocating my advertising budget to a platform where I can directly target potential customers and where the results are measurable.'
Who: Yves de Rudder
Sells: Own brand Smophy Home doormats
Increased revenue: 30%
“I saw an advertisement for Advertising via bol.com and thought, ‘Let’s just give it a try.’ It was a bit challenging at first because everything was new. However, our sales increased after a week, which encouraged us to continue.”
“Now I know that using the right keywords is crucial. The better you are at selecting keywords, the better your sales results. You advertise on a keyword and pay for each click. Because so many people click on your items, you naturally rank higher in the search results. Ultimately, it also generates more brand awareness.”
Suitable for everyone?
“It works best to advertise with a unique item. We do that, for example, with our own brand Wash & Clean doormats. These are special absorbent doormats that can be put in the washing machine.”
“We use bol.com’s automatic keyword tool and select the keywords that best fit our items. Then we see which keywords perform well and adjust accordingly. Sometimes you have a lot of clicks and few sales, so you turn off that keyword. It’s that simple.”
Selling smarter
“Of course, it costs money, and initially, it takes time, but in the end, it results in more sales and revenue. If you have the basics of your product page in order, I recommend it to everyone. You quickly find out what it yields. I now use it for all my items, which I think says enough. An additional benefit: through Advertising via bol.com, I now also know better how my potential customers search and click.”