What range of products is suitable?

You can advertise with almost all items on bol, as long as they are sold by bol

You can advertise with almost all items on bol.com. However, you can only advertise with items sold by bol.com. The main requirement to make your ads visible on the website is that the respective item is in the buy box. If your item is not in the buy box, your ad will not be displayed.

There are a very small number of items on which advertising is not allowed due to regulations. This includes items such as infant formula (0 to 6 months) and certain medications. For more information, refer to the advertising code committee.

What do I need to do?

Advertising with Sponsored Products works as follows:

  • You set up campaigns and select the assortment for them.
  • You set bids.
  • You optimize your campaigns at least once a week (adjusting bids, modifying keywords, etc.).