Ranking List page


Where is your article ranked?

Benefits of this report

  1. Gain insight into articles that need more focus
  2. Use BRMG: Sponsored Products in your articles in a more targeted way
  3. Gain more insight into your position compared to the competition

The List Page Ranking gives an overview of how many articles there are in a product group (chunk) and where your article is in this list. For example, the product group Neck pillows. There are more than 1,400 articles in this product group. We inform you of the total number of articles in this product group (1,400) and the position of your article (12). These are the positions and not the pages. There are 30 articles on 1 page.

This report also shows the position of your article in the Netherlands and Belgium. This may vary due to the lack of Suppliers or because fewer product ranges are live in Belgium. In fact, it is forbidden by law to sell articles of some product groups in Belgium.