Visits & Conversion Report


This report shows how many visits your product range has received and what the conversion is on your articles. You can also see how well you are performing compared to the competition.

Benefits of the Visits & Conversion Report

  1. You get insight into your buy button percentage
  2. You will gain insight into how many potential visits you are missing
  3. You can calculate your Missed Sales on your articles
  4. All of the above will help you optimise your stock levels

Number of visitors

In the Visits & Conversions Report you can see how many visitors have visited your articles, per article (as determined in the Commercial Insights report). You can see whether these were Dutch or Belgian visitors, and whether they visited the page via Mobile, App, Desktop or Tablet.

Buy button

This report shows you how many visitors have visited your articles. A visit only counts if you actually hit the buy button. You can also see how many visitors have visited the article on the entire platform. From there you can calculate what your buy button percentage is, i.e. how often you won the buy button.

Benchmark on visits

At bol, each article is in a product group called a chunk. The benchmark that we report every week is a ranking of all articles from a product group, on the basis of which we indicate the position of your articles in this ranking. For example, if we have 500 washing machines at bol, we rank them from number 1 to number 500. This takes place on the basis of the number of visits. We then report what position your washing machine has in this ranking. This allows you to can see how many visits you had compared to the total.

Please note! The benchmark ranking is based on visits only and is therefore not the same as the List Page Ranking.


In the Visits & Conversion Report, you will see what the conversion rate is per article as determined in the Commercial Insights report. For instance, 6%. You can see whether the article was purchased by someone in the Netherlands or in Belgium. You also get conversion figures per device (Mobile, App, Tablet and Desktop).

Benchmark on Conversion

In the benchmark of conversion you can see the average of the entire product group that includes your article. We have removed the Long Tail in this benchmark, however, as it obscures the benchmark. For example, if we have 500 washing machines we may only use the conversion of 400 washing machines to find the average. This average varies from week to week. In this way, you can see whether the adjustments you have made are actually positive compared to the benchmark.

Calculate Missed Sales

In this report you can see the total number of visitors to your articles on the platform and how many visitors have visited your articles since you had the buy button.

Let us illustrate this with an example. Suppose you have a total of 1,200 visitors to your article in a given period. You may not have the buy button during this entire period, which means that according to the system you only had 1,000 visitors. By seeing what the conversion rate is that you would normally get with this article, you can calculate what the missing 200 visitors could bring. For example, if the conversion rate is 10%, you could have sold 20 more items in that period. If the conversion is not known, you could also use the benchmark of that article for this calculation.