I have delivered too much/too little, what should I do?

It sometimes happens that articles are missing from a shipment or that articles have been added without being pre-notified. Will they still be accepted? We will explain this here.

In many cases you can take action yourself if something has gone wrong with your shipment. While a shipment that has been created cannot be changed, a new pre- alert can be made.

If too little has been delivered, you can re-submit the articles that still need to be delivered with a new pre- alert. To do this, follow the roadmap ‘new pre- alert. You can find the steps under the topic: ‘What is pre- alert?’

There are two options if too much has been delivered:

  • Excess articles received are returned
  • An extra order is submitted

In the case of any other problems, please contact your contact person at bol or the Supplier Service.